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Missa in C Nokki dubious 2 [Weinmann XIX:C6]

Wanhal ?
Nokki dubious 2
Weinmann XIX:C6
Hob. XXII:C26
Dormann1986 I.4

Attributed names: Johann Baptist Wanhal, Franz Joseph Aumann, Joseph Haydn, Michael Haydn

Attribution: Highly Uncertain

This mass survives in a number of copies attributed to other composers, the most important being Franz Joseph Aumann, but also the Haydn brothers. The number of counterattributions make it impossible to include this work in the main catalogue, but this is not to say that it is not written by Wanhal. One does, in fact, find several (weak) stylistic traits in this that point towards Wanhal being the composer, such as a Domine Deus with a marked melisma on ‘Jesu Christe’, and the (somewhat unusually shaped) Mons Wanhali at the end of the Dona nobis fugue. One might, with some justice, say that this seems to be more in the style of Wanhal than some of the works where no other attribution exists, but the number of attributions to Aumann makes it impossible to ascribe this to Wanhal, unless it were to be shown that it was definitely not in his style.

Extent: 612 bars

- Music

1. Kyrie

Tempo: Allegro

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 94 bars

2. Gloria

Tempo: Allegro

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 78 bars

3. Qui tollis

Tempo: Adagio

Metre: 3

Key: F major

Extent: 60 bars

4. Quoniam

Tempo: Allegro

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 29 bars

5. Credo

Tempo: Presto

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 57 bars

6. Et incarnatus

Tempo: Adagio

Metre: 3

Key: B major

Extent: 44 bars

7. Et resurrexit

Tempo: Allegro

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 64 bars

8. Sanctus

Tempo: Adagio

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 8 bars

Pleni sunt coeli

Tempo: Allegro

Metre: 3

Key: C major

Extent: 21 bars

9. Benedictus

Tempo: Andante

Metre: 𝄴

Key: F major

Extent: 35 bars

10. Osanna

Tempo: Allegro

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C major

Extent: 16 bars

11. Agnus Dei

Tempo: Adagio

Metre: 𝄴

Key: C minor

Extent: 26 bars

12. Dona nobis

Tempo: Allegro assai

Metre: 3

Key: C major

Extent: 80 bars

- Sources

Performance parts, Museum of Music, Prague

[Classification: notated music, manuscript, copy, parts, complete]
Title page: [Former shelfmarks]//Missa solemnis ex C./ II Cl./a/4 Vocibus,/Violinis due,/Cornu due/et/Oragno.//Sig Wannhall//Chori Braunensis.

Provenance: Broumov

Library index card


Copy, State regional archive, Litoměřice (Franz Josef Aumann)

Title page: Missa Solennis in C da Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso, Violini Due, Clarini Due, Violone con Organo. Del Sigl. Aumann. Ex Mus. Jos. Strobach.

Not seen. Information from RISM.


CZ-LIT 294.
Pulkert1793 no. 8.
RISM 550018216.

Copy, church archive, Mattsee (Franz Josef Aumann)

Scribe: Joseph Matthias Kracher.

Title page: Missa in C: | â: | Canto. Alto | Tenore. Basso. | Due. Violini | Due Clarini | Tympano. | Con | Organo. | Auth: D: R: Francesco Aumonn Profess: ad | S: tum Florianum

Not seen. Information from RISM.


A-MS 1a.
RISM 600054788.

Copy, church archive, Mattsee (Franz Josef Aumann)

Scribe: Joseph Matthias Kracher.

Title page: Missa Ex C | a | 4 Voc: Due Violinis | Due Clarini | Timpani | e | Organo. | Del Sig: Francesco Aumonn

Not seen. Information from RISM.

RISM suggests that this is an arrangement by Kracher.


A-MS 1a.
RISM 600054789.

Copy, Archive of Prague Castle, Prague (Franz Josef Aumann)

Former owner: Jan Antonín Koželuh.

Messa in C a Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso-Concerto, 2 Violini, 2 Clarini et Organo. Del Sig. Aumann. AIK.

Not seen. Information from RISM.


CZ-Pak 14.
Štefan1983 no. 15.
RISM 550018219.

Copy, Museum of Music, Prague (Franz Josef Aumann)

Title page: M i s s a I n t e g r a / a / Canto, Alto, / Tenore, Basso. / Violino Primo. / Violino Secundo. / Clarino Primo. / Clarino Secundo. / & / Organo. // Del: Sig. Aumann.

Not seen. Information taken from library index card.

Provenance: Osek monastery

Library index card

Cz-Pnm XXXIII A 32.

Copy, Monastery Library, Zwettl (Michael Haydn)

Title page: (no title page)

Not seen. Information from RISM.

The RISM entry attributes the work to Aumann, but this appears to be a modern attribution based on examinations of other sources rather than the source itself.


A-Z I/70.
RISM 600066603.

- Bibliography

Dormann, Peter: Franz Joseph Aumann (1728–1797) – Ein Meister in St. Florian vor Anton Bruckner – Mit thematischem Katalog der Werke. Emil Katzbichler Verlag: Munich 1985.

Hoboken, Antony van: Joseph Haydn – Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverseichnis. B.basso (bass) Schott's Söhne: Mainz 1957–1978.

Pulkert, Oldřich: Domus Lauretana Pragensis - Catalogus operum artis musicae. Editio Supraphon: Prague 1793.

Štefan, Jiří: Ecclesia Metropolitana Pragensis Catalogus Collectionis Operum Artis Musicae. Editio Supraphon: Prague 1983–1985.

Weinmann, Alexander: Themen-Verzeichnis der Kompositionen von Johann Baptiste Wanhal. Vienna: Musikverlag Ludwig Krenn 1987.


File title:

Missa in C Nokki dubious 2 [Weinmann XIX:C6]

Last changed 2020-08-03 by halvor

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