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Johann Baptist Wanhal

Litania in C Nokki 83 [Weinmann XXa:C1/C4]

Wanhal ?
Nokki 83
Weinmann XXa:C1
Weinmann XXa:C4
FreS d334

Attributed name: Franz Schneider

Authenticity: Probably authentic

This work is attested to Wanhal in a large number of sources, with no counterattributions. Stylistically the music is plausibly by Wanhal. See in particular that the Salus infirmorum ends using a Mons Wanhali.

One manuscript copy found in Maria Taferl carries the name of Franz Schneider. Schneider (1737-1812) was a regens chori in the monastery in Melk. His name has most likely been attached to this work from a copy made by him; Wanhal's authorship is not seriously in doubt from the two known misattributions (one stemming from the mid-1800s).

On Weinmann

In Weinmann1987 this work is listed as both XXa:C1 and XXa:C4 as the former used a soprano incipit and the latter an incipit from the first violin part. There does not appear to be any further difference between them.

1776 Supposed dating of the Litoměřice copy.
1780 Copy from Elizabethan monastery in Prague dated.
1783 Copy from Kuks dated.
1787 Copy from Church of the Ascension in Banská Štiavnica dated.
1799 Copy from Banská Štiavnica dated.
1799 Copy from Banská Štiavnica dated.
1807 Material from Ursuline convent in Bratislava dated.
1849 Pécs copy created.
1851 Pécs copy sold.
1856 Performance of Coburg material.
1861 Performance of Coburg material.
1867 Performance of Coburg material..
1870 Performance of Coburg material.
1872 Performance of Coburg material.

Key: C major

Extent: 701 bars

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File title:

Litania in C Nokki 83 [Weinmann XXa:C1/C4]

File publication:

Editor: Halvor K. Hosar

Last changed 2022-12-13 by Halvor K. Hosar

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